Italvibras MVCC electric vibrators-centro

Italvibras MVCC electric vibrators

The Italvibras MVCC electric vibrators with direct current have been designed for use in those situations where network electricity is not present. In particular for hoppers, silos and gate-controls and roll-on roll-off vehicles (concrete mixers, pumps for concrete, plasterers, salt distributors, gravel spreader, fertiliser spreader, hauled silos, industrial sweeper filters). The newly-conceived electric motor, with permanent magnet poles, and the increase in size of the electrical parts, allow constant, high yielding performance.
The MF models have a multi-hole fixing base to adapt to different center distances of drilling.

Power supply
In direct current at 12 or 24V

Continual service (S1) at maximum declared centrifugal force and electric power.

Centrifugal force
Range extended up to 1520 Kgf. (14.9 KN).

Electric motor
Direct current with permanent magnet poles. The rotor is a wound brush-type with collector